We can strive to do great things for God. But true greatness comes in being one with God, knowing His heart, His desires~and then doing them. That is my quest...to allow what God is doing in me to effect every part of my life....to live this life from the inside out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Word

Instead of making a bunch of New Year's resolutions (of which I would almost certainly break in the 1st month) I was challenged to pick a word that would define this next year of my life. As I prayed about it and mulled it over, there was one word that stood out above the rest. Intimacy. This word conveys so much to me. The dictionary defines it as a close, familiar, and affectionate or lovingly personal relationship with another person. I wholeheartedly agree. I heard a pastor describe intimacy as 'In to Me, You'll See'. That statement had a profound impact on me. I want my relationship with my Lord and Savior to be so close that I can feel His heartbeat, that I would see with His eyes and feel with His heart. There are so many good things the bible directs us to do, I could stay busy each and every day doing them. But God has called us to be human beings, not human doings. In observing Jesus life, He said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. And, if you read the gospels, most of the things he did made sense, but there were things that at times, makes you scratch you head and wonder (Ex. not going to see Lazarus right away). But, God sees everything from the beginning to the end and the end back to the beginning. I have learned that if I take the time to lean upon Him, He will show me the MOST important things I should put my hand to. And, I love this about my Lord....it's always changing. I want intimacy to define my other relationships as well. I want my love for my husband to be one that is moved by what I see God doing in his heart and supporting that, not one that is motivated by what he can do for me. I want my relationship with my children to be one that is marked by a knowing, in me, what stirs their passions and interests, and helping mold those things to be gifts suitable for their King. I want my friendships to be marked by intimacy as well. When God awakens my heart to a friend, I want to respond in a way that would reveal His love. What is the common ingredient in all of these things? Time, spending time with Jesus and allowing Him to whisper to my heart what is most important at that moment.

If you had to pick a word to shape 2011 what word would you use? I would love to hear it!!

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Emily Nelson said...
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