We can strive to do great things for God. But true greatness comes in being one with God, knowing His heart, His desires~and then doing them. That is my quest...to allow what God is doing in me to effect every part of my life....to live this life from the inside out.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I wrote this almost 2 years ago on another site, but it was a great reminder and encouragement to me. Hope it does the same for you!

~ this word has been the key in changing my life and the way I live it. My husband and I ventured into small business ownership three years ago, filled with faith and excitement for the journey ahead. Who knew that a month after we started walking down this particular path that as a country we would fall into some of the worst economic times that this generation has experienced? To say the least, our faith was shaken many times and our excitement was replaced with anxiety over what might happen. Then, very suddenly, I lost a friend that was very special to me. She and I had our kids 2 weeks apart each time until she raced ahead and had a fifth baby when I was done with four :-). Cancer took her life so quickly I barely had time to blink. Left behind were 5 beautiful children ranging in ages from 9 to 4 months. At her funeral I was reminded how fragile this life really is. None of us know when our last day will be. I had spent the past 9 months worrying day in and day out about what may or may not happen with our business, while at the same time that worry was robbing me of precious time with my kids and those I love so much. Many years ago, my mom in the faith, had said something that really stuck with me. "Live each day as if its your last, but plan for a lifetime." Until my friend died, it was a great quote, but really more of a platitude. I liked the idea of it but had no clue how to walk it out in every day life. When she passed so quickly I got true perspective on that quote for the first time. Every day is a gift! Every day that I have the privilege of waking up and taking care of my kids is a blessing. It may seem obvious, but I had never really 'gotten' it before. It makes so many things easier to handle. Long lines, traffic, irritable kids, bills piling up. I could go on and on. When each day is truly seen as your only day, you tend to appreciate the little things so much more. It's not from a morbid perspective or anything, but when today is all you have...the words you say are chosen more carefully, the way you spend your time is much easier to prioritize. It has been a major life shift for me. I definitely don't succeed at this every day. But, when I purposely focus my life around that quote, it is so much more enjoyable. I cherish the things I think God intended for me to cherish daily and so much less is taken for granted. Perspective is a wonderful thing!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You're so right! Sometimes I get frustrated that I don't have time to do this or that, and then I remember that I'm spending time with my kiddos and they won't be little for long! It makes me want to savor every moment.